
Hey everyone!

I'm an student of University of Chile. I study in the faculty of chemical and pharmaceutical sciences and here the technology will be the revolution as well as in the rest of the world. I think here in future will exist many instruments of chemical science that would facilitate the work of investigation. For example in the separation of compounds with techniques like chromatography (HPLC). In my field of study, the food engineering, it will not be the exception. The conservation in high and low temperatures of food will move along to others equipment, the nanoencapsulation, the way that we package the products with innovators packaging. Everything will change! I hope for better...

For the reason above, my career will change and I think the different courses that we have in chemistry in the future never will be the same. For example, one chapter of analytical chemistry is about knowing different process of separations and you have to study all the system in specific equipment, so if this equipment change the course will change all the times that need to change.

If we speak about science, we have to think in theories too. THEY ARE JUST THEORIES! By now are credible but, in the future? We don't know exactly if the laws of science will remain as we know them today!

I really don't know what will happen in future, but I'm excited to see it! I would like to tell that in an event called "Food and Service" food engineers and the food industry show the new technology every year. I had the opportunity to go there this year and it's shocking! I really don't understand too many things in innovation stuff but I enjoy to go there. Obviously, this event will change too.

So, that's all. Bye!


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